If your mixing machine’s capacity is too limited to allow the primers to be accommodated alongside the mixing colours, a hand crank can be fitted to stirring lid 66-011 or 66-013 in order to stir primers manually. You will only need to stir the product with a stirring stick the first time prior to fitting the mixing lid to the product. Using the hand crank to stir twice a day for 1-2 minutes will be the only thing you need to do in order to maintain a good mix. A straightforward, clean and efficient way of preventing problems that occur if a primer is not stirred or does not get stirred sufficiently.
The new hand crank is available to order now using item number 66-015. The hand crank is only sold in the EMEA region because this is the only region in which stirring lids 66-011 and 66-013 are in use.